Monday, October 02, 2006

Nakatsu Gion Festival IV

Sorry it's been so long between posts. Due to technical difficulties and my bumbling better half this is actually the 2nd version of this post.
It's the gang at our oasis away from Hell (work), Troppicoco. It's "The Amazing"Jorge, Aki, Kazu, "Shiney"Rich, Hiroki with his son from Aki.

Here I am between Kazu and Hiroki with his son. I was told the outfits "The Amazing" Jorge and I are wearing are called Jimkas but I'm not sure about that. Kate and Kristen are wearing yukatas (summer kimonos).

Wow it's Nella, "Shiney"Rich, Hiroki and son, Aki, and Kate. The man in turquiose is Kazu, the unofficial photographer of Troppicoco.

Here we have our former co-worker Kristen with her boyfriend Corey before they left Japan for adventures in the west. We miss them.