Sunday, May 28, 2006

Killer Koi

These fish went OFF for food, okay? And they were huge, by the way.

Okay. I know. We look busted. I know this. Shut up.

Usa Shrine

We went to Usa Shrine with our friends, Ritsuko-San, her husband, Muneyuki-San and their children, Rina-Chan and Senri-Chan. Usa Shrine is the head shrine of over 100,ooo local shrines. It is a Shinto shrine, one of the major religions of Japan. From what I understand so far, most Japanese identify themselves as either Shinto or Buddhist or both. The shrine at Usa is magnificent--not simply because of it's beauty, but also because of the piety of the elders that I saw there. The entire place is infused with the spirit of the elders, of the past.

Upon entering and leaving the shrine, one must wash their hands. There are many places to pray and feel beauty, peace and solitude, if neccesary. It is almost as if in this place, time has stood still or is at least a lot slower than the rest of the world. Enjoy.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Just for The Record...Crack Is STILL Wack, Y'all....

Racism At The Supermarket

This is not toothpaste, folks.... Yeah, I thought so, too. Apparently, many of the women's facial products marketed in Japan contain skin whitener. Of course, that doesn't explain the opposite phenomenon--those over-zealous Jay Z fans who have bronzed their skin in an effort to resemble Black folks. Go figure. Do drop us a line, though, if you'd like us to send you some. Who knows, after a month of use, you, too, could look like Brad Pitt! (They LOVE him here!)

Yes, it does say "Black Nikka". I was ready to do a Madea and tear that supermarket "DOUWN"! I don't care if there is a white guy on the picture. I'm calling the NAACP, Al Sharpton, somebody!!!

Saturday At The Sea

This is the Sea of Japan, which if you look on a map, lies between Japan and Korea (and China). We stopped by to breathe a little invogorating sea air before we began our weekly Japanese and English lessons.

Junko, Me, and Ritzco, after our Japanese/English lessons. I don't know why I'm smiling. They sure as hell know a lot more English than I know of Japanese.....

Sunday, May 14, 2006

It Doesn't Get Any More Random Than This, Folks.

So my bosses kindly hosted a Sunday barbecue at their house for the newest staff. It was fun to eat good for a change--American style barbecue--but it was a Sunday after all and you know us Americans ain't really down for all that. I'll see you on Monday, Boss!
Peace!! And oh yeah...Thanks fo' dem ribs!!

Jorge in his second natural habitat--the first being Troppicoco's, the Mexican bar.

The humidity here is so incredible, that you have to hang your futon outside so that it doesn't get bugs. Fun.
By the way, there are vending machines everywhere in Japan. And along the sidewalks are long continous ditches which water flows through to irrigate the rice and other crops--which are planted in every neighborhood lot

Arm's Hair? Don't know what this business is exactly. It's on our block, that's all I know. I hope it's not a hair salon.

DON'T SLEEP on the 100 Yen Shop--Japan's equivalent to the Dollar store. They are a force to be reckoned with. Any place where you can get a mop for a dollar practically? Pots? Pans? I'm in there!!!

High school students on their way from school.