Thursday, June 22, 2006

Pardon Our Laziness, Please

One half of the Wonder Twins has defected (How dare he?) and has started his own PERSONAL blog (well, excuuse me) and since it is not exactly family friendly (rants and raves,well not really, mostly rants--and mostly about me *snicker*) we will not provide the link here.

However, you can count on me not to abandon you folks. We have more pictures to post, I'm just a little lazy--and frustrated with Blogger, period. Blogger is not exactly photo friendly all the time. I do enough nurturing and coaxing during the day, I don't have time to come home and woo Blogger into posting my little pics. Blogger is tempermental like that.

Anyway, I think we can convince the other guy to come in and make guest appearances from time to time. Hopefully, he will show up soon and put in these last pictures we got sittin' in the camera. Peace.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Return to Nakatsu Castle II

Rich here, sorry it's been so long between post but without further delay I present our visit to the Nakatsu Castle museum. Only 1 month after the fact.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Return to Nakatsu Castle

Okay people!!! No comments about my gut. I'm working on it. Let's see you maintain a Herculean physique on a diet of mainly noodles, rice, & beer.

Look!!! The broke-@$$ed Supremes.

Wonder Twin Powers Activate!

Sunday, June 04, 2006

The Little People

Getting our fortunes at Nakatsu Castle and Shrine. Mine was good. Rich's was even better. Cool beans. I love the little people who live in the little glass cases and make their living giving unsuspecting gaijin and fanciful Japanese their fortunes. Kawaii (cute) !!!

This is a memorial to the many thousands of citizens who lost their lives to the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II.

Only In Japan--First in a Series

Only in Japan do they have toilets with a control panel. And yes, you saw correctly. There is a control that washes your arse.
Surprisingly though, this toilet (my friend, Junko's) is a modest example of the remote controlled toilet. I have seen others with a much larger control panel with extra special features such as the arse massager.
Yo, United States, you gotta get up on this!!!!