Friday, July 28, 2006


Oh my God!!! What's on your neck!?!

Hey, what happened to Jorge?

Hey guys!!! I made the beer disapear!


Uh, okay.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

F.U.B.A.R. II: Have Beer Will Travel

Eat, drink, be merry. It's a celebration.

Kampai!!! (cheers)

I think this the picture where Ritsuko said she saw a spirit by me. All I know is that I had plenty of spirits in me.

Mali (another friend of Junko's) with The Amazing Jorge. Strangely, she doesn't even know Ritsuko or her husband, but invited herself & evidently used her uncanny "beer sense" to guide her to Ritsuko's house.
Jorge trying to look innocent. Too late, we have the pictures. Ha,ha,ha,ha!!!!


Saturday June 24th, our friend Ritsuko (pronounced Leetsko) threw a birthday party for her husband, Muneyuki, & Donella whose birthdays are only a day apart.

Pay close attention because this is the before picture when The Amazing Jorge, Muneyuki, & Shiny Rich are still sober.
The happy couple, Shiny Rich & The Birthday Girl.

Jorge with Hiroko ( a friend of Junko's) & her son.

The Birthday Girl & Boy.
Ah, check out all of that food.

Tearing Down the House

One morning The Amazing Jorge was putting on his shoes in the genkan when he fell over and knocked his shoulder through the wall.

The genkan is the small area behind the front door for removing shoes.


Japanese Tea Ceremony II

Fujimoto-san's house.
In the center is Donella & Tomomi. The 2 on the outside I don't know.

From left to right: Junko, Nella, The Amazing Jorge, Shiny Rich, Unknown, Fujimoto-san, Unknown, & Tomomi.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Japanese Tea Ceremony

Hey ya'll, slowly getting caught with the blog. Contrary to what my better half says, I never abandoned you. She just decided she didn't want to do it anymore and dropped it in my lap.

Anyhow, on this adventure we were invited to Fujimoto-san's (a teacher in one the schools Nella teaches in) home for a Japanese tea ceremony. There are actually 2 tea ceremonies the chanoyu, which uses matcha (powdered green tea) and the senchado, which uses infused tea. The ceremony was actually created by the samurai of all people.

The room the ceremony is conducted in is called the chashitsu. Ah, doesn't Nella look nice in that kimono.

Donella serving her man. Ah, life as it should always be.

Shiny, happy, people.

Return to Nakatsu Castle VIII

At last the end of our adventure at Nakatsu Castle. "Say good-bye, ladies."

Here we are in front of our new home.

Return to Nakatsu Castle VII

Hi there, that's us at the top. The castle/museum is 5 stories tall.

The view from the top.

I think at one point in the '70s Elvis wanted to buy Nakatsu Castle and turn it into Graceland II.