Friday, July 21, 2006

Japanese Tea Ceremony

Hey ya'll, slowly getting caught with the blog. Contrary to what my better half says, I never abandoned you. She just decided she didn't want to do it anymore and dropped it in my lap.

Anyhow, on this adventure we were invited to Fujimoto-san's (a teacher in one the schools Nella teaches in) home for a Japanese tea ceremony. There are actually 2 tea ceremonies the chanoyu, which uses matcha (powdered green tea) and the senchado, which uses infused tea. The ceremony was actually created by the samurai of all people.

The room the ceremony is conducted in is called the chashitsu. Ah, doesn't Nella look nice in that kimono.

Donella serving her man. Ah, life as it should always be.

Shiny, happy, people.


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