Friday, July 21, 2006

Return to Nakatsu Castle IV

Looks like Blogger only allowes us 9 pictures per post, so be prepared to see many more "Return to Nakatsu Castle" posts. There was just so much interesting stuff in the "Castle"/museum that I want to show it all.

I think Nella was probably more interested in these prints than I was, but they are beautiful.

I find the samurai armor (yoroi) fascinating. Not only does it provide protection on the battlefield but it's also a highly decorative work of art. The armored helmet (kabuto) has a mustache on the faceplate made of horsehair.
It might seem strange picturing a samurai with a gun, but they did evidently use them. These early rifles were nowhere near as reliable as the Japanese longbow or the always reliable katana.

These are a collection of naginata (glaives). They come in handy for fighting men on horseback, taking out their horses, or just staying out of sword range.


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