Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Nakatsu Gion Festival

Hello, everyone I'm slowly getting caught up with the blog. These next series of posts are about the Nakatsu Gion festival. The Gion festival is a Shinto tradition that, I believe, every city in Japan celebrates at different times in July. Nakatsu has theirs the last week of July. From what I understand the festival involves taking the local Shinto god out of the town shrine in a special cart and parading him/her around town. The people have parades and party all night for 3 days in honor of the god. Each neighbor hood builds big,bright, colorful carts that people from that neighboorhood drag down to Nakatsu castle in a parade. These carts weigh a few tons and I hear that every year someone gets killed dragging one of these things.

I know some of these shots may seem boring to you but I just thought these outfits were so cool.

These are the giant float/cart/mini-stages being dragged to Nakatsu castle.


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