Sunday, May 07, 2006

The Mountain Temple

We climbed a mountain. It was pretty terrifying for me--not to mention exhausting. But I made it--I mean we, made it. Past an ancient cemetery which really, truly was haunting and tremendous and the air was just filled with--I cannot explain it. But do look at the pictures...

Unfortunately, they do poor justice to the beauty and magnificence of the temple and the surrounding mountain scene, but...

If you look behind all of the prayers--I believe--which are shaped like paddles--you can see the hundreds of carved statues in the background.

This is a not-so-good picture of one of the two guardians that stood at the entrance to the cemetery. They are encased in wooden cage-like enclosures.


Blogger Doug Elser said...

stunning. wow....that's all i can say.

12:11 PM  

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