Sunday, May 07, 2006

Saturday Night At Baskin Robbins

Shut up.
Yes, I know I look bad. You would look pretty bad too if you didn't shower. Shut up. Anyway, notice below how all of the signs are in English. Because things are made so convenient for ignorant foreigners like me, I have the luxury of doing what I did that night--which is to say "Onegai Shimas" AFTER I received my ice cream.
One of the translations for "Onegai Shimas" is "PLEASE".
Shut up.


Blogger Doug Elser said...

notice how the "taste spoon" sign is so prominantly displayed. they would never put that shit up like that in america because us fat motherfuckers would be all over that. run them right out of business. you have to BEG for the little pink taste spoon where i come from. there is probably an entire japanese/american socioligical treatise in there somewhere....

anyway, peace to you all over there. i'm about to hit the hay and y'all are about to have lunch, but that's the way this crazy modern world works, no?

if you want updates on all things Elser, feel free to dig into my wife's blog ( because i don't have nery a thing in mine.


12:10 PM  

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